lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012


*      Breakfast: it has to be strong and varied. It is critical to the functioning of the body, no matter if you are hungry because you spent all night without eating. This is necessary to get less food anxiety.
*      Dinner: it has to be moderate and at an early hour to ensure better digestion. It is said that: “have breakfast like a prince, eat like a bourgeois and dine like a beggar”.

*      Exercise: exercising regularly and moderately is very beneficial for our body and mind; to do three to four hours of exercise per week.  It has been demonstrated the importance to control weight, lower cholesterol and maintain adequate glucose in the body.


A study by two Spanish universities have linked fast food to a risk of depression. It is said that the more you consume fast food the more the need of consuming need this kind of food,thus causing an “addiction” to this kind of food, even could to become dependent on this food.

According to the analysis, people who consume fast food are more likely to be unmarried, be less active, and have a worse dietary pattern. The consumption of snuff and overwork are other features added to the people using fast food.

Given these alarming data, teacher Sanches-Villegas, University of Las Palmas the Gran Canarias, states: “further studies are  needed but we should control the consumption of these foods because of     their involvement in health, both physically and mentally”.


The so-called fast food has a number of effects on individual health.

*      Overweight: with just one fast food meal is ingested more than half the daily energy requirement. If we add the energy from the other meals of the day, the energy content of the total intake is too much, favoring overweight or obese.

*      Raising the level of blood cholesterol: saturated fats and cholesterol are abundant in these products due to egg-based sauces, butter, cream and other fatty ingredients used in its preparation and coconut oils and palm oil used in frying.

*      Difficult digestion: In most cases food is fried, breaded or battered, so you get lots of, which are even more indigestible.

*      Altered sense of taste: in general, these products contain more salt than those prepared at home, partly because sodium is used as a preservative. Moreover, to achieve the look you want in color, odor, flavor and texture some preservatives, colorants, glidants, stabilizers etc… are added These dishes often include strong spices or additives that enhance the taste and stimulate the appetite and, over time, alter the perception of taste and habit-forming.

*      Addiction: Researchers say that food with high fat and sugar can cause biochemical changes in the brain similar to those that cause some drugs such as snuff, heroin and cocaine. Once hooked on fast food, scientists say, many people are unable to return to a balanced diet and, in many cases, suffer from obesity problems.


 As we have said, fast food gives consumers fat, cholesterol, sugars and salt, while no fiber, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for the performance of the body.

*                 Fiber: food with high fiber intake can prevent constipation, obesity, colorectal cancer, cholesterol and diabetes.

*                 Proteins: its name derives from the greek “protos” meaning first or primary. In the human body proteins form about half of the organic materials and are indispensable for the formation of hormones. When the body does not get the protein you need daily for the formation of tissues, there is a breakdown of body proteins and loss of muscle mass.

*                          Carbohydrates: found in fruits, vegetables, cereals. There is no doubt that we need carbs to live.

*                  Vitamins: they are heterogeneous compound essential for life, which on balanced ingestion promote proper physiological functioning.

*             Minerals: all the healthy foods are loaded with minerals that facilitate the proper functioning of the body.


 The consumption of fast food is usually associated with diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes type II, tooth decay and cellulite.

  •             Obesity: it is a chronic disease characterized by the accumulation of fat. An excessive intake of nutrients and a sedentary lifestyle are major causes of the acceleration of obesity in society.

Decalogue of obesity

1.     No “bite” between meals.
2.    Replace the drive to eat for a glass of water or a fruit.
3.    Do not buy foods that are highly (chocolate).
4.    Do not eat alone.
5.    Find an occupation for those times when you feel like eating. (Walk).
6.    Use dishes. Eat slowly and chew well.
7.    Avoid alcohol and sweet desserts.
8.    Outdoor exercise, 30- 60 minutes a day.
9.    Weighing you once a week.
10.  Obesity is not only a disease but it affects the apparition of many other: diabetes, hypertension, gout, cardiovascular disorders, arthritis etc…

  •      Heart disease: it refers to any disease of the heart caused by asthma or cholesterol; large component of fast food.

  •      Diabetes type II: it is a set of metabolic disorders affecting different organs is characterized by increased levels of glucose in the blood.

  •     Tooth decay:  it is a disease characterized by the destruction of tissues of the teeth caused by the acid generated by bacterial plaque. Dental destruction associated with the intake of sugar and acids in beverages and food.

  •     Cellulite: it is known as a mass of adipose in certain parts of the body. Fast food provides a lot of cellulite as well as flour and rice and soft drinks. To avoid it, it is recommended to have a diet rich in vegetables, avoiding fats.

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012


Here are different song to use with kids, and increased the interest to learn more about healthy food.


-Let's Go To Market (Fruit)


First of all children must learn the vocabulary related with food, they can learn it with videos, songs or flashcards for example.

Here are some videos to learn vocabulary with flashcards.




Here are interesting and funny videos about feed.

Sesame Street: Healthy Foods

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012


      Fast food is food prepared and served to consume quickly.

   Fast food contains high levels of fat, salt, spieces or sugar and numerous food additives such as flavor enhancers and food coloring.

    All foods are potentially harmful to health if abused its consumption, but those that are considered fast food are worse because lesser amounts are required to produce adverse effects, given its ease of use (fast food) or social prestige consumption (linked to young forms of entertainment).

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

Healthy Food vs Fast Food

With that Blog, we explain the differences between healthy food and fast food and we propose different ways to teach them to our children in class.